Geodrill operates a comprehensive state-of-the-art support base located near Kumasi, Ghana – one of its kind in Africa.
The well-resourced, centrally located workshops further reduce downtime, as the Company can quickly reach most of its current customer sites. With a geographic footprint spread across two continents, the Company has established a ‘hub and spoke’ model with Ghana as the hub, and Cote d’Ivoire, Mali and Senegal in West Africa; Egypt in North Africa; and Peru in South America, the spokes.
Also included in the facility is a specialized CNC machining center for the manufacturer of drill rods and consumables thus reducing the need to ship parts from out-of-country which minimizes downtime and increases the company’s efficiencies.
The facility also encompasses a Drill Academy for developing skills. Geodrill training and development programs aim to provide personnel with the required skills and knowledge to perform drilling and maintenance to the highest international levels. Our safety with the production system has been developed to exceed all applicable government and client standards.